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Illness in Black Moors?

23 16:39:05

Hi Karen, I am a relatively new keeper of two black moors in a 5 gallon tank. They have been fine through the first 2 months I have had them, and have been eating well and water changes been ok etc. I have noticed that the last few days they are both developing a type of 'bubble' on their bodies, these are slightly opaque, almost like a blister. The one which seems to be worse also seems to appear almost red/sore at the one part of this 'bubble'. I have tried to do internet research to see what it may be, but it doesnt seem to be Ick as there are no real white spots as such. They have both suffered from very cloudy eyes too, although the one's has cleared up a little. They are still eating and swimming about, although are definately a little less energetic than have been previously. Any ideas? Would welcome any suggestions. if you require more info, please let me know.

Hi Nikki,
I don't think this is Ick at all. I can't be for certain what the blisters would be, they may be injuries or bacterial infections. The cloudy eyes is a very serious problem you need to see about. The most common cause of cloudy eyes is dirty water conditions, but it can also be caused by injuries. Goldfish are very dirty and they really need a large tank to dilute the pollution that they put out. So because you have such a small tank it could certainly be part of the reason why your black moor's are sick. The best thing you can do now is do a good 75% water change and gravel vacuuming. And continue these water changes at least for a week and keep a close watch on your goldfish throughout, watch their condition and see if it improves or gets worse. You could also add a little aquarium salt to your tank also which can help prevent infections and sooth them. (Make sure to predissolve the salt and add little bits at a time over a few hours) You could also add some melafix to help with any infections. Both salt and melafix can be combined. But be sure to continue with the daily water changes, clean water is extremely important for any fish.

It would help in the future if your goldfish could be in a larger tank. It may seem extreme, but goldfish do best with about 10-gallons per fish. This is because of the eventual large size they attain, their oxygen demands, and their waste production. They demand space in order to be healthy longterm and live their full lifespan.

I really hope this helps,
Let me know how the black moors are doing if you like,