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Newly set-up tank

23 16:15:06

I just bought a tank about 4 days ago and im really new to this aquarium stuff. Ive got 2 fantails, and im having some problems; first of all my tank's all cloudy (white), second my ammonia levels went up to 1.5 mg/l, 3rd im changing at least 30% of the water every day and the last as soon as i turn the tank light on they start to dart around and find a place to hide so i was wondering if u can help me out at all, all help will be appreciated thanks.
Ive got 1 question.
Before i change 30% of the water should i use the water conditioner before putting in the water or use the conditioner in the tank with the tap water mixed?
PLease answer as soon as possible with everything i need to do to keep my fish healthy.


Well you are doing everything properly, gotta keep up with those water changes to help the cycle.

You should be putting all new water in a bucket first. Then put the water conditioner in that bucket and then into the tank.

But, if you can't do that, put the tap water in first and THEN the water conditioner after the tank has been filled up with new water.
