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New Tetra

23 16:15:03

I recently purchased twenty of a new tetra I have never seen before, called "Red-Eyed Submarine Tetra."  It is a square-ish fish with very red eyes; schools nicely, at the surface.  I can find no info on the internet about it.  Would you know anything more about this apparently new to the trade type tetra?  Thank you.  Tom

Sounds like your pet store has been making up new names for old fish.

Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae is the name you are looking for, just type that up on google. Should be the fish you are looking for.

With all these pet stores making up names if they don't know what a fish is called, it would be much easier if we all just memerized scientific names. There are 100 common names for every fish but only 1 scientific. Less confusion.
