Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > sick tire track eel

sick tire track eel

23 16:07:00

How long has your tank been set up?- over 90 days-
How big is your tank?-10 gal (this is only temp I do know they need 55 gal and up)-
What type of fish? -tire track eel-
How many fish do you have? -1 gold severum, and 1 tru electric blue lobster-
Type of filter? -Fluval Plus Internal Filter 3-
What are the pH, -7.0-
ammonia, -0-
nitrite levels? -1.0-
How often do you change water? -2 weeks-
How many gallons of water are replaced every time? -10 % of it-

ok he's eating feeder guppy's (no sick ones) blood worms, brine shrimp, and tubifex worms.

one of his gills have swollen all up and gone red he is eating ok but I cant seem to fix it. I was suggested to use Melafix but its not doing anything

Hi Shadow;

I really think you just need to get them into a bigger tank right away. The blue lobster is aggressive and may be picking on the eel and may be stressing him out. If you could get all but the eel into a larger tank he would probably heal up just fine if he could be by himself for a awhile. Change 25% of the water twice a week to help boost his immune system and hopefully he will heal just fine in no time.  

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins