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oscar eating plecos food

23 16:07:00

hello i have a common plecostomus and an albino oscar and more cichlids but my problem is that the oscar no matter how well i hide it always eats the pleco's food i cant hide it anywere in my rocks because somehow he suck it out of there and eats it whole so i was wondering what else if any different things/foods i could try please because i have like no more algae in my tank and this is how i think i lost my last one thanks

Hi Alex,
I know how determined oscars can be! :)

Probably the best thing for your pleco is for you to feed him at night. When ALL lights including the room light is turned out. Otherwise your oscar will be able to see with a room light on and will snatch the food up before it hits the bottom.

You should also try putting in slices of zucchini or some Romaine lettuce for your pleco. Attach them firmly with a rubberband to a good-shaped rock and put it in at night. Most oscars won't bother with zucchini/lettuce but some might want a taste anyway. Again, when all lights are out is your best bet. Plecos love vegetables and often will clean them out overnight.

Best of luck and I hope this helps!