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parasite on betta fin?

23 16:16:28

My betta is around 4 yrs old, healthy, seems happy & eats well.  I have him in a large bowl with water plants and he is under a light to keep his water warm.  About 5 days ago I noticed a small white lump on one of his front side fins (Not one for technical terms...sorry!)It is a very small bump which appears to be on both sides of the fin, but on the same location (close to the body, but not touching it).  It is white in color, almost tan & if I had to make a guess I would say its a parasite.  I don't know how one could make it in there though because I have not added anything to the tank since it showed up.  It seems to be a bit bigger today than when I first saw it, but not by much.  He is not flashing or scraping on anything in the tank to try to scratch at it.  Any ideas on what this could be and possible treatments?

Hi Kim: Sounds like a parasite it may just be a simple scrape too... .  I would add some aquarium salt to the water and see if that gets rid of it... if it doesn't pick up a medication called triple sulfate for him.  you can opt to use any of the other parasitical meds as well.  If you can raise the temperature in the water to about 82 degrees.  dave