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Algae on silk plants in goldfish aquarium

25 9:01:36

Hi Karen,

I have 10 gallon aquarium with 3 fancy tail goldfish in it,equipped with silk plants, oflate I noticed algae growth on silk plants which is brown in color, I keep the light on 24/7,

Please let me know how to prevent algae growth? is it harmful for fish?  

Dear Sniggy,
I would give your goldfish a natural daylight schedule of 10-12 hours of florescent lighting a day. Fish really need rest and they can really only do that in darkness. Having a limited amount of light can also help reduce your algae growth.

Algae growth like the brown algae you described is not harmful to fish. But the actual causes of the algae can be. It seems the most common cause of excess algae growth is too high a bioload or too much waste in the aquarium. Goldfish produce a very big bioload and extra water changes are greatly needed to keep the water from becoming far too polluted. Start doing three times a week 30-50% water changes (always insure the replacement water is equal in temperature to that of your aquarium and insure it is dechlorinated with a water conditioner everytime) this will help with preventing the brown algae from taking over. Also, use a special tank algae scrubber, your fingers or a paper towel to wipe the brown algae off and prevent it from spreading further.

I really hope this helps! Brown algae is rarely a reoccuring problem.

Best wishes,