Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > my ryukin needs help

my ryukin needs help

25 9:09:47

Thankyou for your help i will get some of the medication and salt soon. Unfortunately i am unable to remove my fish from the tank as i do not have a secondary set-up i know it will help more if i could but will i affected the recovery of the fish in anyway apart from lenght of time if not removed?

Thanks Bryan

Followup To

Question -
hello i wonder if you can help me: i have a freshwater tank set up with 6 fancie goldfish 2 calico, 2 red caps, 1 blackmoor and a ryukin.  i have noticed recently on inpecting my fish that my ryukin had developed a sort of tic-like thing which is clear to look at with a slight hit of green to it. This is the 2nd time this has occurred and last time i managed to get it off but i dont wont to stress the fish out again. Can you please tell me wont i'm dealing with and how can treat it.  i dont have any live plants in my tank.

Thanks Bryan

Answer -

This sounds to me like a fish louse or some other form of parasite. The best thing you can do is treat your aquarium with an antiparasite medicine as well as aquarium salt to prevent secondary infections. You can also remove it, but you should still treat the tank to prevent any other ones from coming back!

I hope this helps!

From Stephanie


I wouldn't worry about not moving it. If you treat the whole tank then any parasite on other fish you may not have noticed will be killed as well. The only reason you move fish into hospital tanks is if they are either terminally ill or if your tank is too big to buy medicine for.
