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bugs in my fish tank

23 16:05:48

What are these white bugs in my 60gl fish tank? They stay on top of the water and they seem to multiply and are attracted to the lights. My water is clean and i do vacuum my gravel but i just started that about two months ago and ive had my tank about a year and a half.

Hi Will: There are many different types of bugs that get into the aquarium setting. They are probably some kind of water flea.  Most of the tiny bugs that appear in the home aquarium are harmless and eventually become fish food.  If the insects are tear shaped they are probably copepods and quite harmless.  Most likely they are nothing to worry about.  You can kill them off with most of the over the counter parasite medications but I would caution against that because the medication may destroy your bacterial colonies.  Most likely they will disappear soon.  dave