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Serpae Tetra is sick!

23 16:44:21

I have 5 serpae tetras in a community tank. Never had any problems with any of
the fish - also have 3 angel fish, 5 silvertips and 3 bristlenose catfish. Ph of
the water is fine - filter recently cleaned and working. One of the tetras is
lurking on the bottom, not able to keep upright. Colour is very pale...has lost
its orangy colour and is very pale in places. No obvious fin damage or rot. Fish
is gasping a little. Please can u help!!!!

Dear Kerensa,
Can you test your water for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. That is the first thing you should always inspect when one of your fish is "off-color" as always, when in doubt do a 30-50% water change and gravel vacuuming. Water quality problems like high ammonia or nitrites or high nitrates are often the biggest reasons why fish get sick or act sickly.
If even after a good water change or two, the little serpae tetra is still behaving the same, it is possible he may be coming down with some kind of illness. Though I cannot be sure. Diagnosing fish diseases is one of the hardest things to do, especially when you cannot see the fish in question.

If he is laying on the bottom of the tank he may be too far gone for you to save :( And the best you can do is insure the water conditions are excellent.

If he is having trouble keeping his equilibrium it is possible he may have swim bladder trouble. The swim bladder is a gas-filled organ that helps fish maintain their equilirbium. If something interferes with it like a blockaged in the digestive system (usually indicated by a swollen belly) then the poor fish loses almost total control of his swimming. Other things can affect the swim bladder like bruises from running into objects or handling, or even fighting with other fish.
This condition can happen to almost all fish but it's just a possibility with their serpae tetra. I cannot be 100% sure that is what is affecting him because usually tetras never develop this condition and pale color usually isn't a symptom of it also.

The very best thing you can do now is make those vital large water changes. Try to repeat them everyday. It may or may not save the little tetra, but its worth a try. Sometimes there's not much you can with such a little creature as a tetra, but all you can do is try your best.

Best of luck!!!!!