Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > My betta isnt eating

My betta isnt eating

23 17:03:38

I've done a good bit of looking into this problem...he seems to have plenty of energy, doesn't look emaciated or anything, and doesn't poop.  I got him a week ago, keep his water about room temp.  He makes bubble nests and swims happily, though sometimes he just hangs out near the bottom of the tank.  It's making me nervous that he hasn't eaten ONCE since I got him though!  Is this normal at first?  What should I do?
Thanks for your help

Hi Lindsey;

The most common causes for loss of appetite are dirty water, stress, low temperature, and infection.

If his tank has excess food laying around, clean it out right away. Rotting food poisons the water. It may have started with just stress from moving and then lead to lack of appetite from old decaying food messing up the water.

Be sure his water is at least 76f all the time. Bettas are tropical and need warmer water. If your room temperature is lower than 76f, put him in a warmer spot or maybe put a desk lamp close enough to warm up the tank water slowly.

Watch him for bloating, spots, dots, white fuzzy stuff or anything else abnormal that could be from infection.

Here is a good web site with info about betta care;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins