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Figure 8 Puffer looking very fat

23 16:14:01

I've had my figure 8 now for almost a year and he has never had any problems eating.  A few months ago I cut down on the amount I was feeding him.  A couple days ago I noticed he was fatter than usual so I skipped a day of feeding.  He is still swimming all over his tank and is up at the front checking things out but his stomach has continued to get larger.  The size it is now is larger than I've ever seen it and his anus is enlarged too.  There are no snails in his tank so he can't be eating when I don't feed him.  What should I do?

Hi Kate,
Sounds like he has fluid retention. I've seen this type of condition in Oscars (including the anal swelling)

Dealing with bloat is very complicated and often quite difficult. Unfortunately I don't have much experience with Puffers and I feel it'd be best if you posted your question on the pufferfish forum here-

I hope he gets better and have a good weekend!