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under water aquarium filter

23 15:58:40

Please let me know where can I find the old fashion under water (mechanical)filters, I mean the ones that you need to connect to an air pump?  I was out of the hobby for 40 years...   I just got a "wisper E filter" but the in tank feature is not long enough to get to the bottom of the tank and is not cleaning as I would like. This is just a 10 gallon tank.

Thank you; Cordially:

O. Ferrer

Hi Orlando,
The filters that you bury under the gravel and hook up to an air pump or power head, and filters water through the gravel are called UGF's, or Undergravel filters.

They can be found at any pet store that sells fish. Depending on where you live, they can be found cheapest and most readily available at large chain stores, such as Petco and PetSmart. See this link:

In my opinion, and from experience, undergravel filters don't sufficiently remove wastes. I would recommend a power filter that hangs on the back, ssuch as Marineland's Penguin Biowheel 100, for your tank. This filter would provide good filtration, and provides a great space for beneficial bacteria to grow. The bacteria, present in established aquariums, convert toxic ammonia and nitrite (produced by fish waste),
into harmless materials. I've used this filter, and it works great. See this link:

Why don't I recommend undergravel filters? See this link:

But hey, anyways, it's your choice, after all!

Good Luck with your aquarium!