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tank filtration

23 16:39:45

Hi. I have a 45 gallon bow-front tank that recently started a slow leak so yesterday I broke it all down to silicone it. Anyway..I had it set up with an undergravel filter and a Whisper C outside power filter. The undergravel filter has the tubes that come up ending in a detatchable head that the tube goes thru but it seems like no matter what pump I get (currently a whisper 20-60) I don't get much if any air or bubbles comming in or out of the tubes so I don't even know if it is really working at all. I guess my questions are, do you think I need both filters, how long are filters supposed to last, is mine powerfull enough? I currntly have only a few small tetras, a lrg(apro. 8") upside down cat and a couple of bottom feeders. For the most part the fish have been happy and healthy for a long time. This tank was set up about 4yrs ago. I don't have any current tank readings as I judge tank condition by the fish health. Thank you in advance for your help. Christine

Hi Christine,
It would probably be best if you could just do-away with the undergravel filter. They aren't really that efficient as some of the other filters now available plus they can cause problems if the filter plate gets clogged underneath. I would just use an outside power filter. Hang on the back type filters are my favorite kind of filter and they seem to work the best at keeping the water clean and healthy for the fish.

I really hope this helps!
Best wishes,