Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > white water

white water

23 16:06:47

Hi Karen, 3 months ago I set up a 75l freshwater tank with aquatic soil & sand substrate heavily planted.  A friend gave me a cycled hob filter as he had change to a canister (lucky me).  I started with 5 young white cloud minnows & after a month added 5 black skirt tetras. No water problems at all.

Water is crystal clear but 10-15 after feeding a white cloud     appears from the flow of water from the filter like a fog rolling in until the water is milky white then clears in an hour or so.  Next time I feed the same thing happens!

Substrate is clean so nothing getting stirred up in the feeding frenzy, only a small pinch of food that is devoured in a few minutes & I have 3 brands of food, it happens with each.

It looks like a bacterial bloom but lasts for such a short time.  Any Ideas?

Many thanks


Hi Adam,
What kind of food is it? Pellets and some foods can fog up the water pretty bad sometimes and you should be especially careful about pollution problems that may result from it (bacterial blooms especially)

Try a different kind of food perhaps. Determine if maybe the type you have is just too messy.

I hope this helps!