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Molly white spot

25 9:08:56

Hi, i have a short question concerning my male black molly. His anus, or where he poops is white in and in a little ring around it. Is this anything you heard of? I looked at the mollies at pet stores and they do not have this. Do you think i should move him to a different tank seperate from the other fish?

(Ive had fish with ick before and I dont think its that)



Has he always had this? It could just be his normal coloration- every fish is different. He should be fine unless you see other symptoms such as:
not eating, listlessness, weight loss, bloating, loss of coloration in other areas, strange swimming behaviours, fungus growing on him, loss of fins or parasites crawling on him.

If there is just a coloration issue, it is likely not a concern but to make certain, you could always add a general antibacterial such as Melafix to your tank.

I hope this helps.

From Stephanie