Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > platys ill?

platys ill?

23 17:02:27

thanks for the reply ah track and field, only time i seem to run is to chase the ice cream van!

anyway lol

spoke to my other half, and there are only going to be 4 platies in my tank (so the fry are food lol) i think we are going to go with some neon tetras or something along those lines, possibly neon tetras and other kinds of tetras, probably add another Cory Bronze to help clean the bottom of the tank, where i go from there i dont know, i mean its like a 42 gallon tank, so the possibilites are endless!

in my tank though, i had 1 really big plastic plant, and i have a smaller plastic plant, a wee tunnel, and a 2 story bridge they can swim through.

Anyway, ill leave you to it, the job is going ok, im that busy that im still managing to type this at work! lol

mmmmm you said you were going for Pizza, its like 11:15 am here just now, and i cant wait for lunch!.

Speak soon


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still watching my fish - not much change, starting a new job tomorrow (monday) so hopefully the fish will be ok, i am quite happy with my platies just now but might add some Silver Sharks :-) i like them, what do you like to see then?

and i have a hard time trying to save my fry from the mickey mouse platies, because if the dont get eaten they HIDE! and i cant find any to help survive, even though i have a wee (there i go AGAIN!) quarantine tank which could be used to bring the fry up.

talk soon

PS how was your weekend
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yeah well im not sure about the woman helping in politics, ive nothing against a woman being in the whitehouse, BUT look what Margaret Thatcher done for the UK - shudders, anyway im only 24 and i dont remember much about it LOL

Yeah ive got water ready for a change tomorrow, so ill change the water and then ill add the fungal treatment, i added the salt on............ Wednesday night, so if i leave it till tomorrow Afternoon, it should be fine, the white thing, whatever the hell it is, hasnt changed, so it should be ok till Sat, im not even sure if it is fungal, but it is a wee (there i go again) bit cotton wool like.

Anyway ill try it, so you do have fish of your own?

Ive got a coldwater tank (about 55 litres) with 2 goldfish and 2 shunbunpkin in it oh and a red striped goldfish, and my tropical that i seem to be having probs with is a 160 litre tank (4 foot long) and only has 4 wee platies in it and a cory bronze, but im not adding anything else until im SURE the rest of them are ok!

Check back with you later


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yeah since then ive had some more problems, the fish were trailing solid waste, so i put in liquidized salts to help with that, and they seem to be doing better today

but, my bigger female now has a white area on her fin, its hard to tell if its fluffly looking which i guess would be fungus, but ill have to wait 48 hours before adding any fungus control because it said you cant use it in the presence of salt!


Anyway, i hope im doing the right thing, ill be adding the fungal treatment on saturday to give the salts time to disappear, but im going to have a good look at the fish tonight in the dark with the tank light on to see if it is fluffy looking in the slightest, its not pin head which would suggest fungal activity,

yeah i know 2 more years of bush, watched his press conference yesterday and he made a joke about a republican decorator that fell on its.......... well BUM lol.

You a hilary clinton fan? people seem to be saying she will be in the whitehouse.

Anyway, let me know what you think about this post, ill hopefully not bug you again for a while lol


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hi there, yes it is crazy, sadly i lost the other male fish, i have 4 platies left, and one cory bronze, the platy had a pinhead white spot on its head (but not a cotton wool growth) but after only 2 hours of the treatment the spot was gone, the are is still a little white, however i will wait till tonight and see whats it like, i will probably put another treatment in on Sunday or Monday as a further preventative, ive also just purchased a wee (little lol) tank for a quarantine tank for the future, again thanks for your reply, everything is ok in the UK lol, hope everything is ok your end.

Kenny - by the way, ive nominated you for volunteer of the month :-)

(and by mistake posted this in the comment section LOL)
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hi there

im from the UK lol, sadly i went out for 2 hours today and came back to find the red fish in question, laying at the bottom of the tank dead, kinda upset, i mean ive kept another tank with Goldfish, shubunkins etc, and they are fine, i did notice though that when i looked at the fish when i took him out of the tank, that his top fin was clamped to his body, so you couldnt really see a top fin, another one of the males i bought it exactly the same, ive put a treatment in that deals with parasites of the fins and gills, to hopefully avoid the loss of another fish, ive still tested the water though and its fine.

I think to be honest, as ive only had the fish for 6 days, that they were bad fish to begin with.

Thank you for your response

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Hi there,

I have had the platies in my tank for 6 days now, and before that i cycled the tank for 14 days,

I dont know if this is normal or not, but my platies (which are mostly red and or orange, i have one silver one - 6 in total) all seem to have like a silver area on their gills, i didnt notice it before today, and my red platy is white on the top of his body (but not his fins) when i say white, its more like faded red, its not cotton wool like, and i have tested the water myself and all conditions are fine, i also took a sample to my local pet shop and they said it was fine as well.

I red somewhere, that if they have a paleing? (not sure on spelling) of the gils, it could be a bacterial infection, could this be right?

I dont know what to do and i dont want to lose my fishes!

The water temp is at 24 degrees Celsius which is 75.2 degrees Fahrenheit, is this ok?

Any help you could give me would be much appreciated

hey kenny,

It sounds like some sort of infection for sure. It could either be some sort of bacterial, like you said, or some sort of fin or scale rot. I'm not sure if this would show up in water or not. It could also be ick. I would describe this to the person at the pet store and tell them with as much detail as possible what's going on. they should be able to point you into the right direction as far as medicine goes. Maybe even bring one in to show them what they have, as long as it won't cause too much stress (you gotta figure they will be fine because it's the same way you buy them =] ). Try ziplock bagging one of them, make sure it is a good example of what is happening but make sure it isn't one that is doing really bad becasue you don't want to stress out a sick fish.

Paleing ((yeah, I don't know how to spell it looks wierd any way you try it! =] ))
is never a good sign, and it is good you noticed it right away. Whatever it is, it can probably be healed without any problems and loss of fish as long as it is fixed quickly. Most fish diseases can easily be fixed if you catch it quick enough.

I hope this helps you out! good luck with your new fish, hopefully they will get better =]
best wishes, chelsey

ps. your tank temp is fine. Anywhere from 75 to 80 degrees farenheit is fine, which is I'm guessing 24-26 degrees celsius (?). Are you from some where other than the U.S. or do you just prefer celsius? =]
hey kenny,
yea, I definatly think it was the place you got it from. Six days couldn't be long enough for them to catch something and die from it, that's crazy.

also, becuase your tank is new and your water tested healthy, I can't see how it would be from your tank.
They must have caught it from the pet store.

I don't think there is much you can do besides continuing the water treatment.

I hope your fish start to heal, it would be a shame to loose all of them. =[
good luck with the tank!
best wishes, chelsey

ps. it's crazy how you can instantly talk to some one from the other half of the planet (for free!), isn't it? hope everything is going great over there!
hey kenny,
aw too bad about the male. Hopefully all of the other fish will be okay and survive, it sounds like they are coming around. Good idea about the second treatment, it should help prevent anything that was missed in the first one. Also the "wee" tank for sick fish is a great idea (I got some good laughs in from this. When I goto school tomorrow I am going to try to use it as often as possible. lol, i love it!)

everything is good here in the US, we just had election day yesterday so it was a little crazy, but it wasn't for the president...unfortunatly we have about two more years of George Bush to go. =|

thanks for the nomination! =] every bit helps but there is pretty much no way I'll ever win because some people answer like 20 questions a day which is crazy. lol.

seeya later, keep in touch! =]
best wishes, chels
sup kenny, (what's up)
it was a good idea to add the salt, but that is extremely annoying that you can't use it with the treatment. What happens whee someone has a salt water tank? do their fish just need to deal with it? lol. I think some one needs to find a new treatment.
If you tried doing a few water changes and replacing it with freshwater, that might help, but then I'm not sure if the salt would have done it's job or not. If your fish start getting worse, then that's a good back up idea.

I think Hilary Clinton will most likely end up running for president, but whether she will end up being the president or not I don't know. If she runs she'll be the first woman to ever run, so that will either help her or hurt her, I'm not sure which. I kinda hope she wins though, she's a democrat and also I think a woman could bring something good into our country.

haha, you don't bug me, the only reason I hope you dont need to talk to me is because that means your tank is doing good lol. if everything works out i hope you still keep in touch, it's cool to hear about tanks running smoothly and how people's fisheys are doing. lol

ugh, well i gotta get to homework. (eww.)
talk to ya later!
hey kenny,
haha yea that's true about margaret thatcher. I don't know much about it but i've heard a "wee" bit about it is history class (not much though, our history class is really stupid, we learn about the dumbest crap. we spent so much time learning about war that we won against the UK and act like we were really tough,  but in reality we were just starting and if you wanted you could have kicked our ass. lol), but I don't think hilary clinton could screw up our country any more than bush. lol.
yea i'm only 16. =| lol

you have some nice big tanks! I wish my parents would let me get a big one, I want a huge like, 200 gallon tank. lol. I'm stuck with a crappy 20 gallon.
I have mostly mollies... two ballon mollies, a lyretail molly, a dalmation molly, a creamscicle molly, a sailfin molly, and a gold dust molly. They all breed, and I sell most of the babies but I kept two "mutts". I also have one mickey mouse platy (these guys are really cool looking).

Everything you are going to do sounds great, it should work out well. Yea, I wouldn;t buy fish yet either, incase they caught whatever it is and got sick. That'd be a waste of $! Hopefully that stuff works out, and your fish get better. Then you can fill up that big tank with some cool new fish!

Talk to you later,

hey kenny,
some sliver sharks sound like a good idea for your tank. We used to have them when we had a fifty gallon tank.
here are a few good ways to help your babies live:

1) put a LOT of big rocks and plastic plants in an area of your tank (corners work well for this), and stack the rocks to make sort of a wall. Make them tightly packed, big enough to let babies get in but small enough that adult fish can't get in there.
2 problems with this is that the babies can be born any where in the tank, and might not make it to the rock wall before getting eaten. Also, most babies start getting curious and wander out with out knowing the dangers of gthe tank, and become a snack. It's not the parents fault, they just see small objects as food. =/
soem babies will probably live, and you could even have a lot live, but there are no guaruntees. This does work well if you don't really want to be a part of actually raising the fish, but just want to see if any live on their own.

2) Set up the other tank.
I have a small five gallon tank in which I keep my babies in. For a pregnant female, I put a baby trap into the tank, which is a plastic, clear box that holds the female but has slits in the bottom of it. There are other ways to set it up, but this method works best. one way to set it up is to have the mom in the top of the container and the babies go into the bottom of it and don't fall through, but they normaly die in there (im not sure why).

to set up your baby tank, you need a heater (set at about 75-80 degrees farenheit...not sure on the conversion lol. im going to make it an effort to learn. =]
also, you don't need a filter yet. once the babies are about six weeks old, then you add a filter.
soem fake plants are good to have when they are young because they like sleeping on them and resting on them, but they aren't needed. Once they are a week or two old, they don't really use the plants any more anyway.

I love mickey mouse platies! they are my favorite platy. =]
lol. i hope you raise some adorable fry.

how is your new job going? i hope is going great and your getting paid well. =]
sorry it took a while to answer this time, I have had practice for track and field lately and haven't had enough time to answer yet. I read your question the same day I got it though. lol.
my weekend was pretty good. looking forward to thanksgiving break next week...we get like ten days off this year! (I have NO idea why, normally we only get a few days)

any way, ill talk to you later I gotta go eat some pizza! lol.

hey kenny,

haha the ice cream man rocks!
finally, my thanksgiving break started. lol.
in history class we were learning about ASBO's (anti social behavior order) I'm SO glad we don't have those. It would really suck if you had a mean neighbor! lol.
we also learned about how you have cameras to catch you for speeding and you get tickets in the mail, that really sucks too! (we weren't actually learning about it, we got him off topic. lol)

neons and tetras sound like a good idea, but like you said, your possibilities are endless! I might do some fish shopping today, I only have like three fish in my tank! lol. (I had a "killer fish" that killed most of my fish, so I gave three of my fish to a friend and it turns out they were the killer fish. opps! So now i only have three.)

anyway, will i'm there I'll see if there are any interesting fish that would be cool for your tank. Oscars are really cool in a big tank, but they wil eat any smaller fish, lik your platies and cory brinze. they are fun because you can sort of "play" with them. fry can definatly be a pain to raise so I don't blame you! lol.

i always forget about the time change. lol. pizza is delicious though! lol.

glad the job is going well,
talk to you later,