Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > my angelfidh was bitten by a swordtail

my angelfidh was bitten by a swordtail

23 15:35:22

hi...i have a little problem,my swordtail male is bitting my angelfish and now he's on the botton of the tank,i took him to a different bowl.what should i do??

Removing your angelfish to a "bowl" will most likely do more harm than good.  He/she most likely stays there to avoid more confrontation and stress more than being mortally wounded.  My only question is how big of an aquarium you are housing these two in as usually the angelfish would tend to be the aggressor. However, male swordtails can be territorial and nip at anything that would resemble the sword-like extension tail of another rival male.  Tall plants for the fish to hide in would help the situation immensely, but it may be that you have them in too small of an aquarium, territorially speaking.  A lot of people know about how many fish should be in their tank size wise, but forget that territory can play just as large a part.