Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > other fish with convicts???

other fish with convicts???

25 9:08:55

can i keep any fish with convicts in my 25gal tank?

Yes you can keep other fish with Convicts. Convicts are a South American Cichlid, so you would want to keep them with other South American Cichlids, however some will not be compatible as they will be too docile and the Convicts will kill them, an example would be Rams...
Other factors of success with keeping others with your Convicts are how large are they? Are they a breeding pair? If they are to large it will be unwise to add any fish smaller than they are to the tank, and a rule of thumb is one inch of fish per gallon. If they are a breeding pair their aggression when breeding will be harsh on other fish in the tank. Your local pet store should be able to show you other South American Cichlids that may be okay to place with your current fish. Happy fish keeping!!!