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Betta Fry tank problem

23 16:40:56

I have breeding my bettas and the frys are hatched now! But the only problem is that I used an almond leaf and now theres alot of mess in the tank from the leaf. I don't know how to get rid of the stuff other than siphoning, but dont wnat to attepmt either because I'm scared that i might vacuum in some of the frys on the bottom of the tank. What other solution can I use to clean my tank floor. I heard snails were good but i have a java fern in there, will the snail eat it?

By the way I am sort of on a budget right now.:(

I wouldn't use snails. They will destroy all your plants and you will never get rid of them.
Maybe a small bottom feeder like a catfish?
If you have room for another fish, I would try that or just wait till the fry grow a bit and then vacuum the bottom. That might be your best bet.
You may also try to net them mess out.