Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Sick Platy

Sick Platy

23 16:41:38

Hi there Karen,

I have a problem with one of the platys in my freshwater tropical tank.  The
fish has become very lethargic and has reduced in size dramatically in the
past couple of weeks.  The fish almost looks dehydrated and the main
reduction in size is that the chest has become concaved.  We have been
treating the tank with an Anti Internal Bacteria treatment for the past week
but there has been no change to the fish in question.  We have also isolated
the fish within the tank and have been feeding the fish with bloodworm rather
than flake food.  Do you have any suggestions as to what we coud do?

Thanks - Jonny Viner

Hi Jonny,
I wonder if your poor platy has internal parasites? Fish can get really emaciated from internal parasites. If you also notice the platy having stringy white poo then this could likely be the case. Also if the fish is eating but still continues to look emaciated that would be a sure give-away. You'd have to try to feed the poor platy an anti-parasite food for several days until his symptoms disappear. Unfortunately the platy sounds really bad off and I hope he isn't too far gone already.

Also just go ahead and give the platy a high quality fish flake food or presoaked high quality cichlid pellets (they tend to have better nutrition) rather than just worms, which won't give him enough nutrition should he get the chance to recover.

I wish you the best with the little platy.
Best of luck!