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Female betta full of eggs?? Or not?

25 9:22:09

I have been given a young female betta from a relative. She a little under an inch and her original home was a little bowl which recieved weekly 100%water changes. I wonder because for some time, even before she was given to me, her belly was always HUGE! round and huge. As if it were bloated. No, it is not an illness as she is perfectly healthy, eats, and is active and wild.
It has been like that for quite some time. I, being a experienced aquarist myself, simply suspect the female is just full of eggs. If so, will she carry them forever unless she is placed with a male betta? Or will she eventually just "let them out"? She is less than a inch in length and as I have said before she is very healthy and eats well. I have many, many other male bettas but I don't plan to go into raising bettas anytime soon.
Please tell if there is anything else that may be the problem and if she will just lay the eggs in time.
Thank you! Any suggestions are greatly appreciated
Susan F.

Hi Susan;

She probably is full of eggs (gravid) but she needs to spawn with a male to expel them. She can't do it on her own. Her health could be in danger if she remans gravid like this long term. Many fish simply reabsorb the eggs, but when they don't it could make them sick and die.

If you want her to get rid of the eggs, let her spawn and then remove the bubble nest afterwards. Keep the water temperature for nothe of them at 82 degrees for a couple of days before you put the fish together. This encourages the male to build his nest and prepare for a female.

Followups welcome.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins