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cichlid care and sickness

23 16:00:38

I have diagnosed 2 of my cichlids, one with cotton mouth and anchor worm, the other with fin rot and anchor worm. i have treated both with a internal and external parisite remover and fungus remover for the cotton mouth. Neither seem to be doing much better nor have not eaten in 2 days. One is still swimming around while the other is lying on the bottom with little to n movement other than breathing, this cichlid's belly has an indention what could this be. How long should I expect for this to work to start to see an improvement or is it too far gone? If they pull through what can I do to preven it from happening again?

Hi Brandon,
Could you send any pics? Anchor worm usually isn't that common in fish. However, cotton mouth does occur when water conditions and stress levels are bad which leads the fish very susceptible to attack by the dreaded fungus. It is hard to get rid of. Even with good medications. And it depends on the severity and progress of the infection.

I'm sorry to say the little one sitting on the bottom may not make it. The one swimming around obviously has more a chance.

I think you will have to continue with medication but also be sure to try to do 50% water changes at least everyday to help remove excess pollution and remove bad pathogens from the water also. Some aquarium salt added wouldn't hurt either. Make sure you pre-dissolve it first.

The keys to prevention are making sure the environment is kept as clean as possible. It doesn't have to be sparkling, just make sure debris doesn't build up a lot in the gravel bed and filter. And try not to slack on the water change schedule.

Best of luck I hope this helps!!!