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Snail scrubbing?

23 16:13:26

I know this isn't a fish but can you help me? I have an apple snail and he is 6 months old and he has a VERY dirty shell. It's COVERED in algae! I don't know what to do! Should I scrub him with a toothbrush or should I leave him to dirty himself up?

Thank you VERY much for Reading!
Patty Kay

Hi Patty Kay
Hmmmmm.....good question.  I honestly have no idea, never really thought about that one before :)  So, did a quick search, and I found this article, but it's about land snails, scroll down to "keeping the snails clean":

I would suggest probably trying a damp paper towel and wiping it off.  If you do go with a toothbrush, make sure it's very soft, and new so there's no toothpaste residue on it.

Good luck :)
