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Angelfish tank

23 15:56:42

I have a 10 gallon tank with two juvenile angelfish and a pleco.  I wanted to get a fiddler crab (as the guy at the store said they're freshwater crabs), but i went online for more info, and they said they live best in brackish water.  Can my current fish live in brackish water with the fiddler crab?

Hi Mary,

Unfortunately, your Angelfish and Pleco would not be able to survive in brackish water. Brackish water is a mix between saltwater and freshwater. Freshwater fish cannot survive in either brackish or saltwater. Fiddler crabs are in fact brackish water, and cannot live in freshwater.

You have one problem: What type of Pleco do you have? If it is a Common Pleco, the ones that are often found in pet stores, you cannot keep it in a 10 gallon tank. (Only Bristlenoses can be kept in small tanks under 30 gallons) It will grow to 24", and will die prematurely. It needs to be kept in at least a 50 gallon tank.

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!