Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Freshwater fiddler crbs ?

Freshwater fiddler crbs ?

23 15:41:06

QUESTION: I bought 2  freshwater crabs at the local pet store, they said they were for a freshwater tank, but the more I read about them , the more I think they lied ? I now only have 1 and she has been around for about 4 or 5 months, I have her in a freshwater 55 gallon tank, her tank mates are mostly cory cats and danios a loach and an asian algee eater. I was wondering if she should be moved to a more shallow tank so she can get out of the water and also so I can give her some salt, as there is no salt in the cory tank. Also she climbs to the highest plant and hangs out on the top out of the water.

ANSWER: Jeanne,

 Yes fiddler crabs need brackish water meaning salt added to the water. Your Fiddler crab will die if left in fresh water so please, put her in a different tank and add aquarium salt and a heater set between 75 and 85 degrees. Also, she needs not only water, but land too. They like to get out of the water for a spell and then go back in. Your crab needs a whole new house. As soon as you can et her out the better she will be. Hope this helps.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Jaymie, Thank you for helping me with the crab, so on your advice I got another tank, added aquarium salt and ordered a heater, it should b here soon, I live in the desert and right now I have the heaters turned off on my tanks as even the water stays very warm. Now my crab can climb out to a rock but hasn't yet. I also added ghost shrimp and 2 more crabs 1 more female and 1 male also a lone blue crawdad and snails, so far everyone seems happy . How does that sound to you ? and are there enough crabs or too many ?  It's about 4 gallons of water and has a small filter.


Well, you fiddler will most likely eat the snails and don't be surprised if it eat the shrimp. Remember, crabs are scavenger and will eat just about anything. The heater is not only to keep the water warm but also to keep it a steady temp. If the water gets warmer that what the heater is set for, the heater will not turn on. It is only when the water temp drops below that the heater will kick on. So, even though you are in the desert, it is a good idea to have a heater in the tank. Your crab is enjoying the fact that it is again in salt water, so I wouldn't worry about it not getting out of the water. When it gets used to everything and everyone in the tank they will walk out and onto the "land". I would definitely not add any more to that tank, and just see how everything goes. I think 3 crabs are just right.