Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > treating Molly with white spot

treating Molly with white spot

23 16:24:53

I am about to start treating my Mollies for white spot, however, I read another article on this site which said you should treat the aquarium water for two weeks even if the instructions say otherwise.  The treatment I have is Aquarium treatment 6: Anti-White Spot plus by Interpret.  The instructions say to give the first dose then the second dose 4 days after, there is no mention of continuing for two weeks. What would you advise?
Thankyou in advance for your help

ANSWER: hello Dan:  I found this question in the common question pool and I am truly sorry nobody has answered this question for you sooner... Let me start by asking you for an update on the situation... Secondly... please raise the temperature of  your tank to about 78-80 degrees but do it slowly... one degree per hour... then add aquarium salt to your water per its instruction label.  When using medication just follow the instructions.  If you reach the end of the instruction period and you still have disease then you can do a large water change and begin again... I'd say over two days change 50% of the water...if you have a bio filter... remove the carbon element... keep me posted please on your fish's progress... dave

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Dave.
I started treating the mollies on saturday 16th.  I did a 30% water change then added the medication along with aquarium salt and raised the temp to the recommended 80 degrees.  I then repeated this on wednesday 20th.
Following the first dose the white spots disappeared off the Mollies but I had read that is common, my only other questions are how would I know if I have elliminated the paracites and for how long should I keep the temperature raised?
Once again thankyou very much for getting back to me.

Hi Dan:  well its hard to tell if you have gotten all of the bugs... so I continue the medicine per the instruction on the back... if when you are done with he medical treatment and the fish look good... then stop... if you suspect that they are good but not all the way healed then continue.  when you are done medicating the fish for the last time... slowly drop the temp... molly's like it warm so you should keep your tank at least 76 degrees... 78 is ideal and 80-82 are breeding temperatures...  Water temperatures follow the yearly calendars and I adjust my temps based on the time of the year... along with the amount of light... its how fish keep track of things like spawning time, etc. Sounds odd and perhaps I give the fish too much credit but I rarely loose fish and my breeders breed like crazy.... keep me posted... dave