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white blotches on tail of goldfish.

23 15:53:55


Affected Goldfish
Hi there, I bought my son a couple of goldfish 2 days ago. Unfortunately it wasn't until I got them home that I examined his choice and realised one didn't look super healthy.  It has a fan tail which started off with a couple of little spots that were almost translucent, they have since turned white and seem to be getting larger, they now look like big white blotches.  The fish itself is eager to eat but does not swim with ease, he looks tired and a bit wonky - he swims jerkily, not smoothly like the other.  I have done research and the only thing I have come up with is whitespot/ich but this doesnt sound right to me as the blotches are bigger than the stated "grains of salt" look of ich, and are only on the fish's tail, not his body. Thus far the other goldfish is unaffected. They are in a filtered tank.  Any advice would be appreciated.

Hi Kara,
I'm so sorry for being ridiculously late. My internet has been down and I've been having to work on fixing it.

The white blotches may be a type of fungus. This is my best guess in a case like this with your descriptions and all. Fungus can appear as white stringy material, slimy stuff, fuzzy white tufts, white patches, fuzzy strands. Interestingly enough, what are usually labeled as fungal infections are actually bacterial in nature for example "columnaris" which is a common. The fish can usually recover quite easily if treated immediately. A good medication I have the best luck using is Jungle Brand 'fungus clear'.

Treat for as long as the fish has symptoms. Also, try to do 50% at least every other day. Clean water is vital for proper healing and discouraging the fungus from thriving.

Adding some aquarium salt to the water is also helpful in treating both bacterial and fungal infections in goldfish. It is optional. But be sure to pre-dissolve it before adding to the tank.

Best of luck and I hope all is well. I apologize once more.
