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Betta fish and what water to put it in

23 16:39:27

I have a betta fish and i dont know what kind of water to put it in? Do i just get regular jugged spring water and let it sit out with the top off for like an hour? Thats what i heard is ok but i dont want to kill it. I dont know what kind of water it is in now but its doing ok. And what type of food should i get? The betta fish pelets that i feed him he doesnt eat. He'll nibble at them but thats it. Please help me ASAP that will be appreciated. Thanks=]

Hi Lili, your betta fish can be put in regular jugged spring water. There isn't need to let it sit out, since jugged water had already been cleaned. But if your worried, then leave it out for at least 24 hours. You could also just use tap water, and use Chlor Out. That is what i use for my betta's and they do just fine.

My betta's also hate fish pellets, they wont eat them. So i use BettaMin, which are flakes, and my betta seem to like them. I am sorry this took so long to answer.
