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mexican walking fish

23 16:15:17

hi i have a Mexican walking fish, recently we found one morning he only had a bone for his front leg... it came up very sudden as we to feed our fish daily and it wasn't there the day before... we instantly thought our 2 fish were fighting but thought still best to go to the best store to check, they said it is more than likely fungus... so we bought treatment fungus and have been doing it for the probably a wk and a half now, we thought he was getting better but now i have noticed his back 2 legs are now affected there red and have white patches on them. his tail has also been affected on the tip. is there any things else i can do for him or could it be something else. he can only use his front left leg the other one is now only a bone sticking out of him and the 2 back ones looks like there going the same direction he doesn't use them he cant swim any more. he still eats but struggles its so hard to feed him.

Hi there

I have not kept these before myself but it sounds similar to fin rot in fish, which is bacterial. I would go for an antibiotic, and make sure you have been keeping up 25% water changes weekly to avoid any poor water that starts fin rot off. I read this post below which is quite similar to your ailment.