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angel fish not eating :(

23 15:57:02

Hi i just bought some 5 little young angelfish 2 days ago from a breeder around, found on ebay. But i noticed they are not feeding, i tried tetra prima, frozen mosquito larva, tetra brine shrimp gel, boiled peas with garlic, tetra crisps and flakes.... am going crazy. only 1 of them eats
the others just go by the food and stare at it or give no attention or eat and then spit it out, can you please help me, the breeder says he fed them tetra prima and brine shrimp

Hi Siraj,

Don't panic, because it's extremely common for fish, especially the more shy ones, not to eat during the first day of introducing them into a new tank. They are stressed, which means they will probably not eat. It's not a problem, because in a few days, they will get used to their new environment, and will actively feed. Give them a week to fully get comfortable. They should eat after this first period.

There's also the possibility of them eating, just not while you are watching. They may be uncomfortable when you are watching.

If they STILL don't eat after a week, don't hesitate to ask me again, I'd be happy to help and provide some additional food suggestions!