Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > ich cant get rid

ich cant get rid

23 16:16:50

hello i have a 55 gallon tank which has been running for about 6 months now, i had a bad outbreak of ich on my clown loaches and treated them quickly which cleared the ich or white spots away i also have cichlids which have always "iched" on the gravel or ornaments my stats are all fine and always have been and there is never any signs of white spots they just ich every say 20 mins to half an hour its really puzzling me how they can ich and yet there has never been white spots on them please help if you can


Ick can be hard to spot although your fish can get it easy. I would use a Ick Remover of some sort to try and stop this problem I have 3 Cichilids and have had a similar problem and after treating with a ICK remover they where fine.

Thanks for your time,
Michael M