Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > thank you!!!!!!!

thank you!!!!!!!

23 16:47:58

thank you so much i know ive probaly wasted most of your time but i want to thank you so much for everything im rating best for everything and nomnating u for expert of the month

No waste of time on my part!  I've been keeping fish for about 7-8 years now, I don't know it all, but I have learned a lot from my own mistakes and just reading online through articles and fish forums etc.  That's really the best thing you can just research everything.  And anything I can do to save someone the money, time, and aggravation from trying to figure out what's wrong, I'm glad to help out :)  Thank you for the positives and all that's really nice!  Take care, and if you have more questions about anything please ask away!!
