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aquarium is loaded with browness

23 16:28:07

I have a huge question. I have just gotten a 10 gallon aquarium and it was going fine until the rocks and plants have all this brown on them. My black molly keeps eating the brown stuff off the plants and rocks on the floor... and the other ones started to do it. How would you suggest I clean the aquarium to where its not brown anymore and nice and clean again?

Please help...

kritika kapoor

Hi, The brown stuff is brown algae also called Diatoms. It commonly happens in newly set-up tanks. The cause is there is lots of nutrients in the new set up for them to feed on. High phosphate levels make it even worse.
You can buy algae killers specific for brown algae.
Change half the water weekly until it goes away.
add more light. This algae will grow in the dark so adding more light will encourage the better green algae.
The good news is that with weekly water changes is should go away on its own. Plus relax in knowing that it won't harm the fish.
Check the phosphate level isn't too high.