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amazonian puffers

23 16:30:24

20 gal.  2freshwater amazonian puffers, aqua clear, ph is unknown right now but the tank has been set up for at least 3 months  i change my water every 3weeks to a month   
i woke up this morning  and notice a round semi circle bulging out from the underside of what i think was the female as she is so nervous  they are both wild from a Columbian river the bulge is just behind her jaw right around the stomach  it looks like the skin has been cut but there is nothing in the aquarium  that is sharp can puffers get hernias and how can I repair it I know that most vets use crazy glue to close wounds like this but  what  would one use to anesthetize fish   i really don't know what to do  I am attached to these fish as I only have the two  any help would be  appreciated  oh and the bulge is a light pink so i think it is a stomach or something internal i dont know where to turn  

Hi Sean;

I would suspect injury by the other puffer. They have VERY sharp teeth and can inflict serious bites very quickly. Even though the amazon puffer is considered rather peaceful, they can still cause serious injury to other fish. Keep their water clean so that infection is less likely and hopefully she will recover on her own. You may need to add a tank divider or move her to another tank if he bothers her again. Her nervousness could be a symptom of bullying that you haven't noticed. Fish mannerisms can be very subtle.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins