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Discus in a 29-gallon tank

23 16:13:07

I'm creating a 29 gallon planted tank but am not sure about how many discus I am able to add in the tank. I've read plenty of information about discus and what requirements that need to be met when caring for them. If you can tell me how many dicus i'm able to hold in a 29 gallon tank I would be greatfull.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but, none.

Discus are schooling fish, and they need to be kept in groups. Even a breeding pair needs at least a 40 gallon.

I would not keep discus in a school smaller than six, and I would not keep a school of 6 in anything less than a 125g.

There are many other fish options in that size tank. You could keep dwarf cichlids. A well cared for Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi or Apistogramma cacatuiodes can have colors that rival discus.
