Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > BLACKMOOR GOLDFISH


25 9:12:18

My blackmoor goldfish was fine until I fed her with a tiny piece of Spinnach. Now she can be seen at the top of the tank (18 gallon tank she shares with 2 orandas) doing something like swallowing air continuesly. She has been doing this since this morning, with her mouth out of the water and body hanging into the tank. When I put a small piece of green pea she quickly went down and ate it. I feel that she is a bit uncomfortable right now.

Could you kindly advise me what to do to help her.

Dear Victoria,
Well, my first thought would be your Blackmoor was gasping. This is due to low oxygen content and the symptoms are very similar to what you described. The solution to this and what I would do is change about 30% of the aquarium water (this always helps anytime your fish seem ill) and install a good bubbler/airstone that provides good surface agitation. For this you'll need the airstone of course, and a moderate size airpump plus airline tubing. Or if you don't or cannot get an airstone very soon, make sure your filter is running very well and that it is producing good surface agitation.

My second thought would be your Blackmoor could have Swim bladder problems. But she seems like she doesn't because you mentioned she could easily swim down to get to the pea.

So what I would do is a good sized water change 30% and insure to make the replacement water equal in temperature to that of your aquarium and to properly dechlorinate it with a good water conditioner.
*And make sure your filter is runnning efficiently and try to install an airstone if you can.

I really hope this helps! Feel free to write with anymore concerns...

Best wishes and Happy fish-keeping!