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fungus in fish tank

23 15:57:57

hi i have a 180lt tropical fish tank got a female swordtail that ithink brought a fungus in to tank have lost 6fish in one day.its like the fish have air bubbles on them have 11 or more baby fish not got it and danio not got it put anti fungus and finrot in 3days ago but now have a green moss like on rocks and plants dont want baby fish to die please help thank you

Hi Julie,
The air bubbles aren't in fact ick are they? Please look here for pic-

Ick is a parasite infestation that can kill fish rapidly if it is not caught early and treated with the proper medication and routine.

I prefer to use "QUICK CURE" ick medication but many other ick medications today are effective enough.

Start treatment right away.

Its important to do a 30-50% water change before dosing medication to remove pollution that renders medication less effective.

I've always followed this treatment guide with very good results-
*Change 30-50% of the water everyday
*Raise temperature to at least 82-85F to help fishes immune system
*Redose medication after every water change

*You can also dose the tank with aquarium salt as well. Just be sure whenever replacing salt that it does not evaporate and only add back just enough according to however many gallons you add back during a water change. Predissolve the salt first as well.

~Continue this treatment for minimum 12-14 days~

~This goes against most medication directions but it seems to be much more effective in my experience, providing the fish with very clean water is definitely important especially during illness. ~

The green moss could be a type of 'hair' algae that develops in our tanks when either there is an excess of light or nutrients.

For now, treat your fish with the ick treatment I recommend.

Let me know how things go.
Best of luck!