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beta fish

23 15:54:53

I bought a beta fish 3weeks ago. fish developed ick,was treated with malacite and recover. start to add a little bit salt and copper to water (tap water that sit 24Hour). intially, fish did well, then 1 week ago, developed this lace like thing all over the tank.  this strand is white, lace like, all over tank and attach to fish.  fish begans to stop eating, lying at bottom of tank, coming up to gulp air once in while.  change water every 3 days. fish now look like it is dying. look all over internet, not one describe this condition.

Hi Nick,

First of all, don't add copper to the water! This is unnecessary, and can harm aquatic life, especially snails. Copper is undesirable, and that is why so many aquarium books warn you of replacing copper piping in your home.

Your fish is most likely suffering from a bacterial infection. It may be a secondary infection, which followed the first parasite infection, as it weakened your fish. Treating with an anti-bacterial remedy, such as Maracyn, MelaFix, Sera baktopur, or another brand will fix this.

Perform a 30% water change with a gravel cleaning (using a gravel siphon) before adding the medication. Remove any carbon from the filter.

Good Luck, and I hope he/she recovers!