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My blue gourami in a 55 gallon tank 70 degrees

23 16:39:29

My dad and i are starting our own fish community in a 55 gallon tank. We changed the water and put some tablets in to clear out the chlorine. Everything was fine but now my blue gourami is bloated. it acts normally but it is very bloated. I don't know if she is pregnant or if there is some kind of infection inside it. Please respond,

Hi Mark
70 F is a bit on the cool side for a gourami.  If possible, you should try to raise it a bit, ideally 78F, but 74-78 should be good.

Here's a link that talks about cycling a fish tank.  All new tanks need to go through this process:

Now, do you have a test kit that tests ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph?  If so, what are those readings?  If not, I'd strongly suggest buying one, especially for a new tank.  It goes along with that whole cycle process in that link.

Gouramis that are sold are usually males, because the males are the ones with the pretty colors.  The females are usually greyish colored, kinda drab looking.  It's possible it's a female, but I'd say not likely.  So, a bloated fish generally means it has dropsy.  THere's a few causes of this, usually it's an internal bacterial infection usually brought on by poor water quality(because your tank is new and that whole cycling issue).  You can try feeding it an antibacterial food, Jungle Labs makes some, pet store should carry it.  But dropsy is very difficult to treat.  Also, what may help as well, since it's a new tank, and I'm assuming it's going through that cycle process, start doing daily water changes, changing out about 20% of the water-everyday.  That helps dilute the toxins(ammonia and nitrites).  That may or may not help the fish, but it's a definite necessity when cycling a tank with fish in it.  

Read through that link to get a better understanding of the cycle process, and let me know if you have more questions.
