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Oscars dont eat

23 16:00:41

Hey Ive had 2 oscars together since september 08 and when i bought them they gave me dry shrimp or something (for food) so i gave them those and they loved them but they lasted like 2 weeks then i went to the store and asked for those and they where kinda expensive so i said what else could i feed them and they gave me these food sticks called tetra pond and since i knew nothing about oscars i gave them those and they ate them not really loved them but they did ate, then one friend came and saw what i was feeding them and he said that was food for goldfish and koi so i went to another store and got some cichlid sticks wich they also ate and loved but i ran out of them and the store doesnt have them anymore and know ive tried everything and they just wont eat i tried sinkin pellets, normal pellets, tetrapond sticks, everything they ate before i even tried raw meat cause they suggested it at the store but tehy just ignore that kinda food, could you help me and tell me what else could i feed them? oh and i really dont wanna feed them feeder fish so thats not an option for me
Sorry if its a little long, Thanks

Hi Guillermo,

Oscars are in the Cichlid family. Most Cichlids will eat a variety of foods such as Cichlid Pellets, Cichlid Flakes, frozen foods and krill. You can also feed them color foods such as Tetra Bits and Hikari Cichlid Gold, but these shouldn't be a primary diet. I give my Oscars a little bit of everything.

Hope this helps you, good luck!