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cichlid tank infected with??

23 16:20:15

My son has a 55 gallon cichlid tank that has been very healthy and thriving, about a week and a half ago he noticed these little tiny white things floating in the tank, on the glass.  His fish began getting red spots, some fin and tail rot.  We first did a water change and then started treating them with melafix, but have lost 2 fish in the past 2 days.  I am thinking we need to remove the remaining fish and put them in a seperate tank to try to heal them and treat the tank, but we are not sure what these little white spots are and how to treat??  the ph is low, but didn't want to treat that til the fish are healthier.  Please advise!!!!

Hi Tresa:  Your sons tank has parasites.  Treat them with any of the parasitical medications which you can get at the local aquarium store.  Malafix is great for wounds but I have never had much luck in it for treating disease.  General cure, Tetracycline, etc... are all good products to treat your parasites with.  Also make sure that the temperature in the tank is at least 78-82 degrees and treat the water with aquarium salt along with the medication.  Fix the fish first then treat the pH.  dave