Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > my betta has fin rot :(

my betta has fin rot :(

23 15:34:42

hey :)
i have a 6-12month old purple veil fin betta fish , yesterday i noticed his fins looked like someone literally cut through the tail fin and left some straggly bits, it came very suddenly. so today i went out and bought some aquarium salt, ive made sure his water temperature is correct and ive disolved the salt in some aquarium water and added it to his water
im changing his water daily but do i do a full water change or only partial?
ive heard that the aquarium salt should solve the problem soon, but how would i notice if the fin is getting better? will it stop rotting or will it actually grow back ?

please tell me everything i need to know about fin rot and treatment :) because all the websites ive read say different things and its confusing

thanks :) take care

Hi Jessica,

Kudos to you.  You did the exact right thing with purchasing the salt.

To treat the fin rot, you want at least 2 teaspoons of salt per gallon in the tank.  Dissolve it thoroughly in water, and then pour it in.

You want to change out 25% of the water every other day while you treat for fin rot, but I would guess it will be cured within 48 hours.

So, treat with salt 2 days and then begin water changes to get the salt out.  Change 25% of the water every 3 days for 2 weeks.

It should be gone by the end of the 2 weeks.

Write back should you need more advice and happy fish-keeping.
