Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > ALGAE EATER DIESEASE


23 16:05:31

hi, my neighbor was moving away and couldnt keep his algae eater/sucker fish so i decided to take him. i have 2 goldfish already in the 10 gallon tank and they left the algae eater alone just fine.acouple days later my goldfish looked like he had been bitten by something and my algae eater has white fluff all over him. i really dont want him to die and i dont know what to do to cure him. help?

I recommend a CAT Scan.

There has to be something wrong with your brain if you are putting 2 goldfish and a pleco in a 10g tank.

1) Goldfish need 30g tank, minimum
2) Plecos need 150g tank minimum, they grow over a foot long.
3) Goldfish are coldwater, plecos are tropical, NEVER mix coldwater and tropical fish

Now, he has body fungus. Do a 75% water change, then go to the store and buy a body fungus medication. Follow the instructions.

It might not work though, fungus is caused by very poor water quality and owner stupidity. Sorry if thats not what you like to hear, but if your fish gets that amount of body fungus you should really reconsider keeping fish. Or at least spend a good few hours doing some research so you can get even the simplest idea of what you are doing.