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Just a couple of random questions.

23 16:29:10

I was just wanting to know a couple of things about a couple of fish species. First of all is the Senegal Bichir. Would it be okay to put one in a 40 gallon tank?(demensions 3'by 15" by 16")How long is their life span in appropriate conditions? Secondly would an African Butterflyfish be okay in a 20 gallon tank?(20" by 13" by 14") What is their life span when properly taken care of? Finally would an Angelfish be okay in the tank with the bichir? Its life span?
Forever Grateful,

Hi Aaron;

A Senegal Bichir needs a very large tank because they grow to be over 3 feet long. I wouldn't try to keep one in anything smaller than a 100 gallon because of their future adult size. I'm not sure that an angel would be a good tankmate for him. He might bite at it and kill it as he searches for food without being able to actually swallow it. Here are some web pages about Senegal Bichirs that will tell you about their lifespan, food requirements and expected lifespan;

A single African Butterfly can be kept in a 20 gallon, but no smaller. Here are some web pages about them, also with lifespan and diet requirements;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins