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Getting new fish

23 17:01:10

Can you give me some tips on introducing a new fish into an already established aquarium. I have 2 angelfish, 3 gouramis, 3 semi aggressive platys, and 1 bristlenose plec.
Q1) I had my eyes on an albino bristlenose plec and was wondering if the one i have would live peacefully with it.

Q2) If not what types of fish would you recommend for what I have now?  

The albino bristlenose should be just fine with the other one.
The best results with adding fish to an established tank I have had is while the bag is soaking in the tank I will start moving some of my decor around which messes up any established territories. Once I get that done I will get ready to let the new fish go and a few seconds later I will feed my fish which will distract them from the new fish I just into the tank. I have found with doing that this way with my tank it seems to limit the amount of chasing of the new fish. Best of luck and happy fish keeping.