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Betta companion and cycling

23 16:00:42


I have a male betta, approxamately 1.5 inches (not including the tail) in a 1 gallon tank for about 3 weeks now. It is kept at 26 degrees celcius. He seems very happy, brightly colored, blowing bubbles, exploring hiding places, etc, but I know that this tank is small for him. I am getting a bigger tank anywhere from 10 to 20 gallons depending on what I find.

I would like to get a school of fish that would be able to cycle this tank and afterwards, be compatible with my betta. I have read that mollies fit this criteria, is this true? If so how many should I have for a school? Any specific kind of molly? Are there any other types of fish that are better suited for this? What is the best way to cycle a tank? How often should I do water changes when cycling? How should I introduce the betta into the new tank when this is all done? If the two types of fish eat different foods, how do I ensure that they are eating the food that they are suppose to be eating?


First off, I'm so sorry it took me a while to get back to you. My email was out of order temporarily and I am trying to catch up.

I would not cycle a tank with fish. It is very harmful to them and shortens their life span. I would also not recommend mollies for a betta tank mate. Some bettas will mistake some of the fancier mollies for another betta. I would suggest a school of small tetra. Cardinals or rummy nose or any other small tetra like that. Also corydoras make good bottom feeders. Also make sure you add the betta last. This is the key to success here.

The food shouldn't be a problem. All my bettas live in community tanks and some of them eat tropical flakes and those who don't I just drop in their pellets when the other fish are eating. If some of the other fish eat some of the betta food no harm done. But mostly any fish you add to a betta tank will be tropical and their diet is pretty much the same. Goodluck. You know where to find me if you need me :)