Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Puffer Fish Okay?

Puffer Fish Okay?

23 16:07:41


Hi there,

I just bought a puffer fish from a fish store for our 75 gallon freshwater tank,
that currently contains 8 goldfish, a neon and a pleco. I was told that he
would be fine in the tank, but he was very active that first day and has been
less and less active as time passes.  At first he wasn't eating, but today I just
fed him a piece of shrimp, which he ate.  

He also seems to have trouble rising and seems to like resting on objects in
the tank.  

I'm worried about him.

I can't tell what type of puffer he is (been researching on the net to no avail)
but think he might be a green spotted puffer -- although his spots are
orange, which I can't find anywhere...).

He's about 3 inches long.

I've attached a photo of him inside the tank.

1. Is he okay?  Is he dying?
2. Can I keep feeding him pieces of raw, store-bought shrimp?
3. Is there something else I should be doing with him?

(He was introduced to the tank on Saturday afternoon.  It's Wednesday
evening now...)



Hi Morgan:  Couple of things... Puffers are tropical predators and goldfish are coldwater fish... the two should not be mixed. Puffers eat anything they can catch which is one of the reasons he is sitting around on objects, etc... Neon's should not be mixed with goldfish either... for the simple reason that they need warm water.  You will have some issues to deal with because with puffers it doesn't matter how large the fish is they are kept with ... they just eat them a bite at a time.... He needs to be in his own tank and you will have to add some salt to his water... a puffer his size will want brackish water.  I do not think at this point that he is sick... I think he is probably hunting.... dave