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Minimalist tank

25 9:16:47

Forgot to mention: For the first couple of weeks I didn't have water conditioner or an aquarium filter. I used a Brita water pitcher to filter the water before adding it to the tank.

Then I bought a power filter, which came with a free bottle of water conditioner. I've been continuing to use the Brita pitcher, adding a little water conditioner afterwards. But I only use about 1/4 of what the instructions say. The fish are still thriving.

Is this a case of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"? I.e., should I continue to use filtered water, or use straight tap water plus the recommended amount of conditioner?


I pour the dirty aquarium water into the garden.

Well, in my opinion--adding too little water conditioner would be something I would consider risky. But it all depends on what area you live in or even what season it is. For example during the summertime, water companies commonly add more chlorines or chloramines than they did in winter. So as a precaution I always try to add a little more than recommended. Perhaps though I'm a fanatic about water conditioner--I am a worrywort about toxic chlorine harming my lovely fish. But hey, your fish are thriving! And I would imagine the amount of water conditioner you are adding is just enough to keep the chlorine from harming your little guppies. I don't see anything wrong with using the Brita Pitcher. You'll have to use your own judgement I guess. I would imagine Brita filtered water to be much better than straight tap water but I've never tried it. It's always great to give the purest water you can to your pet fish.

So the bottom line is-
I would say is keep up the good work as long as your fish are thriving for it. Be careful when the seasons become warmer, however as water companies may use more chlorines and chloramines to combact any dangerous bacteria that come with hot temperatures.

I hope this helps answering your questions!
Best wishes as always!
ps: scores for you! Aquarium water is wonderful for plants. It provides them with fertilizer and all plants love it! ;-)