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Baby brine shrimp

25 9:16:47

The first batch of brine shrimp have hatched. Both fry and adult guppies are wild for them--the adults are vacuuming the bottom of the tank to make sure they don't miss any!

I've read that hatching the eggs is a hassle, but really, the only hard part is separating the shrimp from the spent shells and unhatched eggs.

Then I found an article describing how to remove the shells *before* hatching. It's at
It sounds so much better, I wonder why everybody doesn't use it. Have you tried this "decapsulating" procedure?
Are fry in any danger from the power filter?


Hello again Janet!

~Decapsulating is an excellent way to feed baby brine shrimp. I have not tried this procedure honestly but it sounds very beneficial for feeding little fry. Give it a try!

I have worried about my fry from getting sucked into the power filter but in all my batches of fry. I haven't had it happen yet. Most fry learn to stay away from the suction. If you're especially worried. You can wrap the intake tube with very fine netting or if you can slow the water flow by a control valve, that's even better.
Otherwise, I have never personally had trouble with any fry loss from the power filters I have.

I hope this helps!
Best wishes and Happy fishkeeping!